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Our Products

Equity Advance Solutions helps small businesses thrive and grow in any economy. We are a business development firm that offers merchant services such as merchant credit card processing and financial products for your business. Below is an explanation of the most popular products we offer.

Flexible Small Business Loan Program

A unique alternative to traditional bank loans. It is a hassle free option that allows business owners who have limited access to capital, in this tight credit market, to obtain the financing they need to support and grow their business. Unlike a traditional bank's approval process, your business historical Cash-flow and performance is the main determining factor. Less than perfect credit is acceptable. This product offers a fixed low interest rate and fixed payment.

Revenue-Based Finance

Our goal is to offer small business owners up to $500,000 in unsecured funds based on their future credit card receivables. Businesses that accept credit cards for payments are turning to merchant cash advances to access quick capital. For small businesses that are just starting out or established mid-sized businesses, a merchant cash advance is a quick and easy way to obtain funding by leveraging your future credit card sales. We purchase a fixed dollar amount of your future credit card receipts at a discount and then receive a fixed percentage of your future credit card sales as the repayment.

Credit Card Processing

When most merchants think about choosing a credit card processor, they look at fees as being the measure that will determine which processor to choose. As a direct settlement institution, we know the industry inside and out, and we know that the costs of processing can be manipulated in a thousand ways to make fees appear to be lower in your eyes. These widely-used industry practices can be confusing to the merchant.

We have found that the best way to help our merchants is to give them as much value as possible for every dollar they spend on processing. We will ensure that you are set up properly to accept all forms of card payments – and just as importantly, ensure you are being charged properly. Whether you want a countertop terminal with a small footprint, a wireless, a mobile system, a virtual terminal, or a POS System, we have what you need.

Business Line of Credit

A business line of credit is a sound solution for business owners who need ongoing access to capital. With a line of credit, you can draw funds when you need, up to your approval limit. As you pay back, your capital becomes available, allowing you to draw again. 

Benefits of a Business Line of Credit

  • Only pay for funds currently drawn
  • Receive funds more quickly than a traditional bank-provided business loan
  • Ideal for expanding space, buying inventory, hiring new employees and refinancing debt

Equity Advance Solutions Corp. BBB Business Review

Equity Advanced Solutions is not the lender and only assists in obtaining the financing.